UP主: 封面: 简介:https://www.udemy.com/course/2d-rpg-alexdev/机翻字幕,工程素材见评论区The Ultimate Guide to Creating an RPG Game in Unity提升您的 C# 和 Unity 知识,并创建您自己...
视频选集 1. Introduction 1. Important to know - Mindset of the course 2. Important to know - Crash course 3. Important to know - Q&A 4. Important to know 1. Install Unity and Visual Studio 2022 2. Unity windows and Tools 3. Colliders nad Rigibody 4. Input and First script 5. Move and Jump 6. Serializefield 7. Sprite sheet 8. Animator 9. Clean up 10. Flip character 11. 2D Collision Detection 12. Jump animation 13. Sticky walls 14. Dash and timers 15. Attack animation 16. Attack combo 17. Inheritance 18. Preparing inheritance 19. Making enemy with Inheritance 20. Enemy's attack 21. End of crash course 1. What is State Machine 2. Creating Finite State Machine 3. Setup Animator with State Machine 4. Movement with State Machine 5. Jump with State Machine 6. Collision Check 7. Flip 8. Creating Dash State 9. Improving Dash State 10. Wall Slide State 11. Wall Jump State 12. Primary Attack State 13. Combo Attacks 14. Finalize Attack State 15. Attack's direction 1. Tile Palette 2. Tile Map Collider 3. Camera 4. Parallax background 5. Endless background 1. Enemy's State Machine 2. Making inheritance for Player and Enemy 3. Enemy's Idle and Move State 4. Enemy's Battle State 5. Enemy's Attack State 6. Finalize Battle State 1. Battle System Design 2. Attack Logic 3. Collider's collision exception 4. On Hit Fx 5. On Hit Impact 6. Attack's direction hot fix 7. Counter attack - Enemy's Stun State 8. Counter's attack window 9. Player's Counter Attack 1. Concept of a Skill System 2. Creating Player Manager and Skill Manager 3. Foundation of Skill System 1. Clone Creating Ability 2. Clone's Attack 1. Sword Throw Skill State 2. Setting up details of the sword 3. Setting up sword's aim 4. Improving sword's behaviour 5. Improving sword throwing state 6. Bouncy sword 7. Setting sword type 8. Pierce sword 9. Saw spin sword 10. Freeze time of the enemies 1. Blackhole and Quick Time Event keys 2. Improving blackhole with clone creatin 3. Blackhole details setup 4. Blackhole ability state 5. Blackhole duration 1. Crystal ability 2. Explosive crystal 3. Moving crystal 4. Multi-crystal 5. Improving skills in a skill tree 6. Clone duplication on attack 7. Crystal instead of Clone 1. Character stats 2. Stat script 3. Applying stats to combat 4. Death of entities 5. Major stats and defensive stats 6. Critical attack 7. Magic damage 8. Elemental ailments 9. Ailments effects and duration 10. UI health bar 11. Ailment visual effects 12. Improve ailments - chill 13. Improve ailments - shock 14. Applying damage to skills and clean up 1. Item 2. Inventory 3. Inventory UI 4. Equipment item 5. Stash for materials 6. Equip items on character 7. Apply item modifiers 8. Enemy modifiers 9. Unequip items 10. Items drop 11. Player drop system 12. Remove items from inventory 13. Unique items 14. Thunder strike item effect 15. Ice and Fire item effect 16. Thunder strike on abilities 17. Heal item effect 18. Buff item effect 19. Armor item effect 20. Item's cooldown explained 1. UI menu 2. Character Stats UI 3. Limit Inventory Slots 4. Item Tooltip 5. Stat Tooltip 6. Switch UI with Keyboard 7. Craft UI 8. Skill Tree UI 9. Improve Item Tooltip 10. Merge Skill Tree UI with Skill Manager 11. Merge Skill Tree with Parry skill 12. Merge Skill Tree with Crystal skill 13. Merge Skill Tree with Dodge skill 14. Merge Skill Tree with Sword skill 15. Merge Skill Tree with Clone skill 16. Skill Tree Hot Fix 17. In game UI 18. Options UI 19. Finalising Tooltip 1. Save system 2. Save Inventory Items 3. Save Stash and Equipment 4. Save Skill Tree 5. Delete save file 6. Encryption of saved data 1. Main menu 2. Screen fade 3. End screen 4. Checkpoint 5. Lost currency ( souls ) save and and enemy's currency ( souls ) drop 1. Audio manager 2. Audio distannce limiter 3. More examples on audio effects 4. Audio settings 5. Audio time limiter 6. Area sound 7. How to look for audio 1. Improving knockback direction 2. Improving player 3. Improving skeleton 4. Game pause 5. Dead zone 6. Invincibility in the time of dash 1. Ailments fx 2. Blackhole additional vfx 3. Snow and Fire flies 4. Hit and Critical hit particles 5. Dust fx 6. After image fx 7. Screen shake 8. Pop Up Text Fx 9. A bit of clean up 1. How to build your game 2. How to post your game on website 1. Slime enemy 2. Slime - sefl-multiplying on death + improvements of battle system 3. Slime - stunned state improvement 4. Archer's arrow 5. Archer enemy 6. Shady enemy 7. Death bringer enemy [BOSS] - part 1 8. Death bringer enemy [BOSS] - part 2