UP主: 封面: 简介:吴恩达亲授AI系列课汇总及其代码链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1F10agyk_t7liC_33bQ6_Nw?pwd=qdn1 提取码: qdn1 课程网址:https://learn.deeplearning.ai/courses/ai-pyt...
视频选集 L1- Basics of AI Python Coding-01 introduction L1- Basics of AI Python Coding-02 what-is-computer-programming L1- Basics of AI Python Coding-03 writing-code-with-chatbots L1- Basics of AI Python Coding-04 navigating-the-learning-platform L1- Basics of AI Python Coding-05 running-your-first-program L1- Basics of AI Python Coding-06 how-to-succeed-in-coding L1- Basics of AI Python Coding-07 data-in-python L1- Basics of AI Python Coding-08 combining-text-and-calculations L1- Basics of AI Python Coding-09 variables L1- Basics of AI Python Coding-10 building-llm-prompts-with-variables L1- Basics of AI Python Coding-11 functions-actions-on-data L2-Automating Tasks with Python-01 introduction L2-Automating Tasks with Python-02 completing-a-task-list-with-ai L2-Automating Tasks with Python-03 repeating-tasks-with-for-loops L2-Automating Tasks with Python-04 prioritizing-tasks-with-dictionaries-and-ai L2-Automating Tasks with Python-05 customizing-recipes-with-lists,-dictionaries- L2-Automating Tasks with Python-06 comparing-data-in-python L2-Automating Tasks with Python-07 helping-ai-make-decisions L2-Automating Tasks with Python-08 next-course-preview-working-with-files L3-Working with Your Own Data and Documents in Python-01 introduction L3-Working with Your Own Data and Documents in Python-02 using-files-in-python L3-Working with Your Own Data and Documents in Python-03 loading-and-using-your- L3-Working with Your Own Data and Documents in Python-04 reading-journals-from-f L3-Working with Your Own Data and Documents in Python-05 extracting-restaurant-i L3-Working with Your Own Data and Documents in Python-06 vacation-planning-using L3-Working with Your Own Data and Documents in Python-07 turning-code-blocks-int L3-Working with Your Own Data and Documents in Python-08 creating-detailed-itine L4-Extending Python with Packages and APIs-01 introduction L4-Extending Python with Packages and APIs-02 using-functions-from-a-local-file L4-Extending Python with Packages and APIs-03 loading-and-using-your-own-data L4-Extending Python with Packages and APIs-04 using-third-party-packages L4-Extending Python with Packages and APIs-05 installing-packages L4-Extending Python with Packages and APIs-06 apis-to-get-data-from-the-web L4-Extending Python with Packages and APIs-07 apis-to-use-ai-models L4-Extending Python with Packages and APIs-08 conclusion