视频选集 “What happened when we all stopped” narrated by Jane Goodall 5 tips to improve your critical thinking - Samantha Agoos 3 tips to boost your confidence - TED-Ed A brief history of alcohol - Rod Phillips A brief history of cannibalism - Bill Schutt A brief history of chess - Alex Gendler A brie(f) history of cheese - Paul Kindstedt A brief history of goths - Dan Adams A brief history of melancholy - Courtney Stephens A brief history of numerical systems - Alessandra King A brief history of religion in art - TED-Ed A curable condition that causes blindness - Andrew Bastawrous A day in the life of a Cossack warrior - Alex Gendler A day in the life of a Mongolian queen - Anne F. Broadbridge A day in the life of a Roman soldier - Robert Garland A day in the life of a teenage samurai - Constantine N. Vaporis A day in the life of an ancient Athenian - Robert Garland A day in the life of an ancient Celtic Druid - Philip Freeman A day in the life of an ancient Egyptian doctor - Elizabeth Cox A day in the life of an ancient Peruvian shaman - Gabriel Prieto A day in the life of an Aztec midwife - Kay Read A different way to visualize rhythm - John Varney A guide to the energy of the Earth - Joshua M. Sneideman A poetic experiment Walt Whitman, interpreted by three animators - Justin Moore A simple way to tell insects apart - Anika Hazra Accents by Denice Frohman An unsung hero of the civil rights movement - Christina Greer Ancient Rome’s most notorious doctor - Ramon Glazov Aphasia The disorder that makes you lose your words - Susan Wortman-Jutt Are food preservatives bad for you - Eleanor Nelsen Are ghost ships real - Peter B. Campbell Are naked mole rats the strangest mammals - Thomas Park Are spotty fruits and vegetables safe to eat - Elizabeth Brauer Are the illuminati real - Chip Berlet Are there universal expressions of emotion - Sophie Zadeh Are we living in a simulation - Zohreh Davoudi Are we running out of clean water - Balsher Singh Sidhu Are you a body with a mind or a mind with a body - Maryam Alimardani At what moment are you dead - Randall Hayes Attack of the killer algae - Eric Noel Muñoz Buffalo buffalo buffalo One-word sentences and how they work - Emma Bryce Can 100% renewable energy power the world - Federico Rosei and Renzo Rosei Can a black hole be destroyed - Fabio Pacucci Can animals be deceptive - Eldridge Adams Can machines read your emotions - Kostas Karpouzis Can plants talk to each other - Richard Karban Can robots be creative - Gil Weinberg Can steroids save your life - Anees Bahji Can wildlife adapt to climate change - Erin Eastwood Can you find the next number in this sequence - Alex Gendler Can you outsmart this logical fallacy - Alex Gendler Can you solve Einstein’s Riddle - Dan Van der Vieren Can you solve the airplane riddle - Judd A. Schorr Can you solve the alien probe riddle - Dan Finkel Can you solve the bridge riddle - Alex Gendler Can you solve the buried treasure riddle - Daniel Griller Can you solve the control room riddle - Dennis Shasha Can you solve the counterfeit coin riddle - Jennifer Lu Can you solve the cuddly duddly fuddly wuddly riddle - Dan Finkel Can you solve the dark coin riddle - Lisa Winer Can you solve the dark matter fuel riddle - Dan Finkel Can you solve the death race riddle - Alex Gendler Can you solve the dragon jousting riddle - Alex Gendler Can you solve the egg drop riddle - Yossi Elran Can you solve the false positive riddle - Alex Gendler Can you solve the famously difficult green-eyed logic puzzle - Alex Gendler Can you solve the fish riddle - Steve Wyborney Can you solve the frog riddle - Derek Abbott Can you solve the giant cat army riddle - Dan Finkel Can you solve the giant iron riddle - Alex Gendler Can you solve the jail break riddle - Dan Finkel Can you solve the killer robo-ants riddle - Dan Finkel Can you solve the Leonardo da Vinci riddle - Tanya Khovanova Can you solve the locker riddle - Lisa Winer Can you solve the Mondrian squares riddle - Gordon Hamilton Can you solve the multiplying rabbits riddle - Alex Gendler Can you solve the multiverse rescue mission riddle - Dan Finkel Can you solve the passcode riddle - Ganesh Pai Can you solve the penniless pilgrim riddle - Daniel Finkel Can you solve the pirate riddle - Alex Gendler Can you solve the prisoner boxes riddle - Yossi Elran Can you solve the prisoner hat riddle - Alex Gendler Can you solve the Ragnarok riddle - Dan Finkel Can you solve the rebel supplies riddle - Alex Gendler Can you solve the river crossing riddle - Lisa Winer Can you solve the rogue AI riddle - Dan Finkel Can you solve the sea monster riddle - Dan Finkel Can you solve the secret sauce riddle - Alex Gendler Can you solve the secret werewolf riddle - Dan Finkel Can you solve the seven planets riddle - Edwin F. Meyer Can you solve the stolen rubies riddle - Dennis Shasha Can you solve the temple riddle - Dennis E. Shasha Can you solve the three gods riddle - Alex Gendler Can you solve the time travel riddle - Dan Finkel Can you solve the troll’s paradox riddle - Dan Finkel Can you solve the unstoppable blob riddle - Dan Finkel Can you solve the vampire hunter riddle - Dan Finkel Can you solve the virus riddle - Lisa Winer A brief history of dogs - David Ian Howe Can you solve the world’s most evil wizard riddle - Dan Finkel Can you spot the problem with these headlines (Level 1) - Jeff Leek & Lucy McGow Can you survive nuclear fallout - Brooke Buddemeier and Jessica S. Wieder Cannibalism in the animal kingdom - Bill Schutt Cell membranes are way more complicated than you think - Nazzy Pakpour Cell vs. virus A battle for health - Shannon Stiles Check your intuition The birthday problem - David Knuffke Claws vs. nails - Matthew Borths Climate change Earth's giant game of Tetris - Joss Fong Cloudy climate change How clouds affect Earth's temperature - Jasper Kirkby Corruption, wealth and beauty The history of the Venetian gondola - Laura Morell Could a blind eye regenerate - David Davila Could a breathalyzer detect cancer - Julian Burschka Could comets be the source of life on Earth - Justin Dowd Could human civilization spread across the whole galaxy - Roey Tzezana Could the Earth be swallowed by a black hole - Fabio Pacucci Could we create dark matter - Rolf Landua Could we survive prolonged space travel - Lisa Nip Could your brain repair itself - Ralitsa Petrova Dead stuff The secret ingredient in our food chain - John C. Moore Debunking the myths of OCD - Natascha M. Santos Did ancient Troy really exist - Einav Zamir Dembin Did Shakespeare write his plays - Natalya St. Clair and Aaron Williams Did the Amazons really exist - Adrienne Mayor Do animals have language - Michele Bishop Do politics make us irrational - Jay Van Bavel Does The Wonderful Wizard of Oz have a hidden message - David B. Parker Does grammar matter - Andreea S. Calude Does stress affect your memory - Elizabeth Cox Does time exist - Andrew Zimmerman Jones Earworms Those songs that get stuck in your head - Elizabeth Hellmuth Margulis Einstein's brilliant mistake Entangled states - Chad Orzel Einstein's twin paradox explained - Amber Stuver Everything changed when the fire crystal got stolen - Alex Gendler Everything you need to know to read Frankenstein - Iseult Gillespie Everything you need to know to read “The Canterbury Tales” - Iseult Gillespie Everything you need to know to read Homer's Odyssey - Jill Dash Explore cave paintings in this 360° animated cave - Iseult Gillespie Eye vs. camera - Michael Mauser Feedback loops How nature gets its rhythms - Anje-Margriet Neutel First Kiss by Tim Seibles First person vs. Second person vs. Third person - Rebekah Bergman Football physics The impossible free kick - Erez Garty For Estefani poem by Aracelis Girmay Forget shopping. Soon you'll download your new clothes - Danit Peleg Frida Kahlo The woman behind the legend - Iseult Gillespie From pacifist to spy WWII’s surprising secret agent - Shrabani Basu From slave to rebel gladiator The life of Spartacus - Fiona Radford Game theory challenge Can you predict human behavior - Lucas Husted Group theory 101 How to play a Rubik’s Cube like a piano - Michael Staff Hacking bacteria to fight cancer - Tal Danino Harvey Milk's radical vision of equality - Lillian Faderman Hawking's black hole paradox explained - Fabio Pacucci History through the eyes of a chicken - Chris A. Kniesly History through the eyes of the potato - Leo Bear-McGuinness History vs. Augustus - Peta Greenfield & Alex Gendler History vs. Che Guevara - Alex Gendler History vs. Christopher Columbus - Alex Gendler History vs. Cleopatra - Alex Gendler History vs. Henry VIII - Mark Robinson and Alex Gendler History vs. Napoleon Bonaparte - Alex Gendler History vs. Sigmund Freud - Todd Dufresne The psychology of post-traumatic stress disorder - Joelle Rabow Maletis How do blood transfusions work - Bill Schutt Why should you read “Midnight’s Children” - Iseult Gillespie History's worst nun - Theresa A. Yugar How did Polynesian wayfinders navigate the Pacific Ocean - Alan Tamayose and Sha How do hard drives work - Kanawat Senanan The history of the world according to cats - Eva-Maria Geigl How to biohack your cells to fight cancer - Greg Foot How do virus tests actually work - Cella Wright What causes opioid addiction, and why is it so tough to combat - Mike Davis How to recognize a dystopia - Alex Gendler What makes something Kafkaesque - Noah Tavlin The Aztec myth of the unlikeliest sun god - Kay Almere Read The surprising (and invisible) signatures of sea creatures - Kakani Katija The neuroscience of imagination - Andrey Vyshedskiy The Factory Think Like A Coder, Ep 9 From slave to rebel gladiator The life of Spartacus - Fiona Radford Where did Russia come from - Alex Gendler How cosmic rays help us understand the universe - Veronica Bindi What's hidden among the tallest trees on Earth - Wendell Oshiro When is a pandemic over The ethical dilemma of self-driving cars - Patrick Lin How aspirin was discovered - Krishna Sudhir The ballet that incited a riot - Iseult Gillespie What did democracy really mean in Athens - Melissa Schwartzberg Why do we pass gas - Purna Kashyap The case of the missing fractals - Alex Rosenthal and George Zaidan Why should you read Charles Dickens - Iseult Gillespie What Orwellian really means - Noah Tavlin Why should you read Virgil's Aeneid - Mark Robinson The myth of Icarus and Daedalus - Amy Adkins For Estefani poem by Aracelis Girmay The treadmill's dark and twisted past - Conor Heffernan Why should you read James Joyce's Ulysses - Sam Slote Why do we hiccup - John Cameron One of the most epic engineering feats in history - Alex Gendler The Opposites Game Cloudy climate change How clouds affect Earth's temperature - Jasper Kirkby What makes a poem … a poem - Melissa Kovacs Under the hood The chemistry of cars - Cynthia Chubbuck The myth of Cupid and Psyche - Brendan Pelsue How science fiction can help predict the future - Roey Tzezana Why should you read Dante’s “Divine Comedy” - Sheila Marie Orfano Why don't perpetual motion machines ever work - Netta Schramm How the Monkey King escaped the underworld - Shunan Teng Solid, liquid, gas and … plasma - Michael Murillo Your body vs. implants - Kaitlyn Sadtler Why should you read “Kafka on the Shore” - Iseult Gillespie How one scientist averted a national health crisis - Andrea Tone The physics of playing guitar - Oscar Fernando Perez Ugly history The 1937 Haitian Massacre - Edward Paulino Is graffiti art Or vandalism - Kelly Wall Forget shopping. Soon you'll download your new clothes - Danit Peleg The murder of ancient Alexandria's greatest scholar - Soraya Field Fiorio Why should you read Waiting For Godot - Iseult Gillespie The history of African-American social dance - Camille A. Brown What is abstract expressionism - Sarah Rosenthal History’s deadliest colors - J. V. Maranto Why is it so hard to cure cancer - Kyuson Yun The Taino myth of the cursed creator - Bill Keegan What causes heartburn - Rusha Modi How quantum mechanics explains global warming - Lieven Scheire Licking bees and pulping trees The reign of a wasp queen - Kenny Coogan The secret lives of baby fish - Amy McDermott How do schools of fish swim in harmony - Nathan S. Jacobs Ugly history Japanese American incarceration camps - Densho Does time exist - Andrew Zimmerman Jones Why are fish fish-shaped - Lauren Sallan The complex geometry of Islamic design - Eric Broug Frida Kahlo The woman behind the legend - Iseult Gillespie Why do your knuckles pop - Eleanor Nelsen The left brain vs. right brain myth - Elizabeth Waters Why do people have seasonal allergies - Eleanor Nelsen The chaotic brilliance of artist Jean-Michel Basquiat - Jordana Moore Saggese The Gauntlet Think Like A Coder, Ep 8 The myth of Hercules 12 labors in 8-bits - Alex Gendler The unexpected math behind Van Gogh's Starry Night - Natalya St. Clair The dangers of mixing drugs - Céline Valéry What caused the French Revolution - Tom Mullaney How spontaneous brain activity keeps you alive - Nathan S. Jacobs The controversial origins of the Encyclopedia - Addison Anderson Is there any truth to the King Arthur legends - Alan Lupack The Chasm Think Like A Coder, Ep 6 The history of the world according to corn - Chris A. Kniesly What’s the point(e) of ballet - Ming Luke Who were the Vestal Virgins, and what was their job - Peta Greenfield Did the Amazons really exist - Adrienne Mayor Is it possible to create a perfect vacuum - Rolf Landua and Anais Rassat The complicated history of surfing - Scott Laderman Why aren't we only using solar power - Alexandros George Charalambides The mathematics of sidewalk illusions - Fumiko Futamura How do crystals work - Graham Baird Why does your voice change as you get older - Shaylin A. Schundler Why do animals form swarms - Maria R. D'Orsogna How do ventilators work - Alex Gendler When is water safe to drink - Mia Nacamulli Inside the killer whale matriarchy - Darren Croft How does money laundering work - Delena D. Spann The rise and fall of the Inca Empire - Gordon McEwan The microbial jungles all over the place (and you) - Scott Chimileski and Robert Why is this painting so shocking - Iseult Gillespie Turbulence one of the great unsolved mysteries of physics - Tomás Chor Why should you read “Lord of the Flies” by William Golding - Jill Dash How small are we in the scale of the universe - Alex Hofeldt The myth of the Sampo— an infinite source of fortune and greed - Hanna-Ilona Här The myth of Jason and the Argonauts - Iseult Gillespie Why should you read “Crime and Punishment” - Alex Gendler How statistics can be misleading - Mark Liddell How brass instruments work - Al Cannon Ugly History Witch Hunts - Brian A. Pavlac How do self-driving cars “see” - Sajan Saini The coelacanth A living fossil of a fish - Erin Eastwood How to detect a supernova - Samantha Kuula Why can't you divide by zero - TED-Ed The great brain debate - Ted Altschuler Underwater farms vs. climate change - Ayana Elizabeth Johnson and Megan Davis What is the tragedy of the commons - Nicholas Amendolare Learning from smallpox How to eradicate a disease - Julie Garon and Walter A. Or How exposing anonymous companies could cut down on crime - Global Witness The ancient origins of the Olympics - Armand D'Angour Do we really need pesticides - Fernan Pérez-Gálvez The myth of Prometheus - Iseult Gillespie What’s a squillo, and why do opera singers need it - Ming Luke How does your body process medicine - Céline Valéry How do glasses help us see - Andrew Bastawrous and Clare Gilbert The science of snowflakes - Maruša Bradač Feedback loops How nature gets its rhythms - Anje-Margriet Neutel Why is biodiversity so important - Kim Preshoff The hidden network that makes the internet possible - Sajan Saini What light can teach us about the universe - Pete Edwards The myth of Pandora’s box - Iseult Gillespie Why the insect brain is so incredible - Anna Stöckl Could comets be the source of life on Earth - Justin Dowd Is DNA the future of data storage - Leo Bear-McGuinness Meet the tardigrade, the toughest animal on Earth - Thomas Boothby Is math discovered or invented - Jeff Dekofsky Why isn’t the Netherlands underwater - Stefan Al What makes neon signs glow A 360° animation - Michael Lipman How to squeeze electricity out of crystals - Ashwini Bharathula What's so special about Viking ships - Jan Bill Why should you read The Handmaid's Tale - Naomi R. Mercer The myth of Oisín and the land of eternal youth - Iseult Gillespie What happens when continents collide - Juan D. Carrillo The last banana A thought experiment in probability - Leonardo Barichello The evolution of the book - Julie Dreyfuss First person vs. Second person vs. Third person - Rebekah Bergman How the Normans changed the history of Europe - Mark Robinson Why should you read Tolstoy's War and Peace - Brendan Pelsue How can you change someone's mind (hint facts aren't always enough) - Hugo Merci How does your body know what time it is - Marco A. Sotomayor Light seconds, light years, light centuries How to measure extreme distances - Y How people rationalize fraud - Kelly Richmond Pope The Cambodian myth of lightning, thunder, and rain - Prumsodun Ok How fast can a vaccine be made - Dan Kwartler Why should you read sci-fi superstar Octavia E. Butler - Ayana Jamieson and Moya The Prison Break Think Like A Coder, Ep 1 What are the universal human rights - Benedetta Berti The Turing test Can a computer pass for a human - Alex Gendler The accident that changed the world - Allison Ramsey and Mary Staicu How Magellan circumnavigated the globe - Ewandro Magalhaes Real life sunken cities - Peter Campbell How this disease changes the shape of your cells - Amber M. Yates The pharaoh that wouldn't be forgotten - Kate Green What really happened during the Salem Witch Trials - Brian A. Pavlac Why are sharks so awesome - Tierney Thys The most lightning-struck place on Earth - Graeme Anderson First Kiss by Tim Seibles The electrifying speeches of Sojourner Truth - Daina Ramey Berry Hawking's black hole paradox explained - Fabio Pacucci The Resistance Think Like A Coder, Ep 2 Mating frenzies, sperm hoards, and brood raids the life of a fire ant queen - Wa How much of what you see is a hallucination - Elizabeth Cox Who was Confucius - Bryan W. Van Norden The rise and fall of the Mongol Empire - Anne F. Broadbridge The historic women’s suffrage march on Washington - Michelle Mehrtens How computers translate human language - Ioannis Papachimonas How do ocean currents work - Jennifer Verduin Do politics make us irrational - Jay Van Bavel The meaning of life according to Simone de Beauvoir - Iseult Gillespie Corruption, wealth and beauty The history of the Venetian gondola - Laura Morell What’s so great about the Great Lakes - Cheri Dobbs and Jennifer Gabrys The cancer gene we all have - Michael Windelspecht Why should you read Shakespeare’s “The Tempest” - Iseult Gillespie Three ways the universe could end - Venus Keus How optical illusions trick your brain - Nathan S. Jacobs Tycho Brahe, the scandalous astronomer - Dan Wenkel Is fire a solid, a liquid, or a gas - Elizabeth Cox How to understand power - Eric Liu Is our climate headed for a mathematical tipping point - Victor J. Donnay The mysterious science of pain - Joshua W. Pate History through the eyes of a chicken - Chris A. Kniesly What makes tattoos permanent - Claudia Aguirre The hidden life of Rosa Parks - Riché D. Richardson The real story behind Archimedes’ Eureka! - Armand D'Angour How does the Nobel Peace Prize work - Adeline Cuvelier and Toril Rokseth Could a blind eye regenerate - David Davila You are more transparent than you think - Sajan Saini Rhythm in a box The story of the cajon drum - Paul Jennings Why should you read A Midsummer Night's Dream - Iseult Gillespie Let's make history…by recording it - StoryCorps & TED Prize The benefits of a bilingual brain - Mia Nacamulli This sea creature breathes through its butt - Cella Wright How did Hitler rise to power - Alex Gendler and Anthony Hazard What happens if you cut down all of a city's trees - Stefan Al How do birds learn to sing - Partha P. Mitra Why is meningitis so dangerous - Melvin Sanicas Zen kōans unsolvable enigmas designed to break your brain - Puqun Li How did teeth evolve - Peter S. Ungar How CRISPR lets you edit DNA - Andrea M. Henle Why should you read Don Quixote - Ilan Stavans What do all languages have in common - Cameron Morin The battle of the Greek tragedies - Melanie Sirof Plato’s Allegory of the Cave - Alex Gendler The genius of Marie Curie - Shohini Ghose Why elephants never forget - Alex Gendler How do executive orders work - Christina Greer Why should you read “Moby Dick” - Sascha Morrell What can DNA tests really tell us about our ancestry - Prosanta Chakrabarty The myth of Sisyphus - Alex Gendler The rise and fall of the Assyrian Empire - Marian H Feldman What can Schrödinger's cat teach us about quantum mechanics - Josh Samani The surprising reason our muscles get tired - Christian Moro The world’s most mysterious book - Stephen Bax The Atlantic slave trade What too few textbooks told you - Anthony Hazard How high can you count on your fingers (Spoiler much higher than 10) - James Tan How to speak monkey The language of cotton-top tamarins - Anne Savage How to grow a glacier - M Jackson How to master your sense of smell - Alexandra Horowitz How menstruation works - Emma Bryce How much of human history is on the bottom of the ocean - Peter Campbell From pacifist to spy WWII’s surprising secret agent - Shrabani Basu How one journalist risked her life to hold murderers accountable - Christina Gre The Furnace Bots Think Like A Coder, Ep 3 The origin of countless conspiracy theories - PatrickJMT How squids outsmart their predators - Carly Anne York Why do honeybees love hexagons - Zack Patterson and Andy Peterson Dead stuff The secret ingredient in our food chain - John C. Moore Where do new words come from - Marcel Danesi How do pregnancy tests work - Tien Nguyen The Sun’s surprising movement across the sky - Gordon Williamson The surprising cause of stomach ulcers - Rusha Modi Why should you read Hamlet - Iseult Gillespie The wicked wit of Jane Austen - Iseult Gillespie The science of skin color - Angela Koine Flynn What is McCarthyism And how did it happen - Ellen Schrecker Jellyfish predate dinosaurs. How have they survived so long - David Gruber Why do buildings fall in earthquakes - Vicki V. May The Greek myth of Talos, the first robot - Adrienne Mayor How does the Rorschach inkblot test work - Damion Searls The surprising reason you feel awful when you're sick - Marco A. Sotomayor The ferocious predatory dinosaurs of Cretaceous Sahara - Nizar Ibrahim Ideasthesia How do ideas feel - Danko Nikolić The race to sequence the human genome - Tien Nguyen What would happen if every human suddenly disappeared - Dan Kwartler The psychology behind irrational decisions - Sara Garofalo Why is it so hard to cure ALS - Fernando G. Vieira How to visualize one part per million - Kim Preshoff + The TED-Ed Community The tale of the doctor who defied Death - Iseult Gillespie The hidden worlds within natural history museums - Joshua Drew What is a gift economy - Alex Gendler Titan of terror the dark imagination of H.P. Lovecraft - Silvia Moreno-García Why do people join cults - Janja Lalich Why is Vermeer's Girl with the Pearl Earring considered a masterpiece - James Infinity according to Jorge Luis Borges - Ilan Stavans How heavy is air - Dan Quinn How stress affects your brain - Madhumita Murgia The colossal consequences of supervolcanoes - Alex Gendler What is Alzheimer's disease - Ivan Seah Yu Jun How to build a dark matter detector - Jenna Saffin Why should you read “The Master and Margarita” - Alex Gendler How do viruses jump from animals to humans - Ben Longdon Oxygen’s surprisingly complex journey through your body - Enda Butler Why incompetent people think they're amazing - David Dunning How does hibernation work - Sheena Lee Faherty The invisible motion of still objects - Ran Tivony The legend of Annapurna, Hindu goddess of nourishment - Antara Raychaudhuri & Is How to write descriptively - Nalo Hopkinson The art forger who tricked the Nazis - Noah Charney What causes body odor - Mel Rosenberg The history of the Cuban Missile Crisis - Matthew A. Jordan The bug that poops candy - George Zaidan What is obesity - Mia Nacamulli The history of tattoos - Addison Anderson The secret student resistance to Hitler - Iseult Gillespie Where did English come from - Claire Bowern History vs. Che Guevara - Alex Gendler Debunking the myths of OCD - Natascha M. Santos What is the universe expanding into - Sajan Saini Hacking bacteria to fight cancer - Tal Danino Why doesn’t the Leaning Tower of Pisa fall over - Alex Gendler Mansa Musa, one of the wealthiest people who ever lived - Jessica Smith The lovable (and lethal) sea lion - Claire Simeone Is telekinesis real - Emma Bryce The life cycle of a neutron star - David Lunney Einstein's twin paradox explained - Amber Stuver The mysterious origins of life on Earth - Luka Seamus Wright Why should you read Sylvia Plath - Iseult Gillespie Why should you read “The God of Small Things” by Arundhati Roy - Laura Wright History vs. Vladimir Lenin - Alex Gendler The dangerous race for the South Pole - Elizabeth Leane Why should you read Macbeth - Brendan Pelsue The sonic boom problem - Katerina Kaouri The myth of Loki and the master builder - Alex Gendler Why do people fear the wrong things - Gerd Gigerenzer The fascinating science behind phantom limbs - Joshua W. Pate How do drugs affect the brain - Sara Garofalo The evolution of animal genitalia - Menno Schilthuizen How false news can spread - Noah Tavlin Which is stronger Glue or tape - Elizabeth Cox Everything you need to know to read Homer's Odyssey - Jill Dash The journey to Pluto, the farthest world ever explored - Alan Stern What “Machiavellian” really means - Pazit Cahlon and Alex Gendler Explore cave paintings in this 360° animated cave - Iseult Gillespie The physics of surfing - Nick Pizzo Harvey Milk's radical vision of equality - Lillian Faderman The Chinese myth of the meddling monk - Shunan Teng How computer memory works - Kanawat Senanan Is marijuana bad for your brain - Anees Bahji Why are some people left-handed - Daniel M. Abrams Why do whales sing - Stephanie Sardelis How far would you have to go to escape gravity - Rene Laufer What we know (and don't know) about Ebola - Alex Gendler The first and last king of Haiti - Marlene Daut How can we solve the antibiotic resistance crisis - Gerry Wright Where does gold come from - David Lunney How to make your writing suspenseful - Victoria Smith Should we get rid of standardized testing - Arlo Kempf What really happened to the Library of Alexandria - Elizabeth Cox Should we be looking for life elsewhere in the universe - Aomawa Shields Why the Arctic is climate change's canary in the coal mine - William Chapman Everything changed when the fire crystal got stolen - Alex Gendler The history of chocolate - Deanna Pucciarelli How the world's first metro system was built - Christian Wolmar Eye vs. camera - Michael Mauser Why wasn’t the Bill of Rights originally in the US Constitution - James Coll The psychology of narcissism - W. Keith Campbell The time value of money - German Nande How parasites change their host's behavior - Jaap de Roode How do focus groups work - Hector Lanz How do lungs work - Emma Bryce The rise and fall of the Berlin Wall - Konrad H. Jarausch How the world's longest underwater tunnel was built - Alex Gendler History vs. Genghis Khan - Alex Gendler Why is ketchup so hard to pour - George Zaidan The weird and wonderful metamorphosis of the butterfly - Franziska Bauer Could we create dark matter - Rolf Landua The philosophy of cynicism - William D. Desmond Everything you need to know to read Frankenstein - Iseult Gillespie What is phantom traffic and why is it ruining your life - Benjamin Seibold If matter falls down, does antimatter fall up - Chloé Malbrunot Why do blood types matter - Natalie S. Hodge How to spot a pyramid scheme - Stacie Bosley Why certain naturally occurring wildfires are necessary - Jim Schulz Why do we have museums - J. V. Maranto The nurdles' quest for ocean domination - Kim Preshoff Why should you read “Fahrenheit 451” - Iseult Gillespie How to practice effectively...for just about anything - Annie Bosler and Don Gre The Chinese myth of the immortal white snake - Shunan Teng Why should you listen to Vivaldi's Four Seasons - Betsy Schwarm How does your brain respond to pain - Karen D. Davis What can you learn from ancient skeletons - Farnaz Khatibi The high-stakes race to make quantum computers work - Chiara Decaroli Sugar Hiding in plain sight - Robert Lustig The pleasure of poetic pattern - David Silverstein Why tragedies are alluring - David E. Rivas How languages evolve - Alex Gendler Could your brain repair itself - Ralitsa Petrova The fascinating history of cemeteries - Keith Eggener How close are we to eradicating HIV - Philip A. Chan How playing sports benefits your body ... and your brain - Leah Lagos and Jaspal How do fish make electricity - Eleanor Nelsen Will the ocean ever run out of fish - Ayana Elizabeth Johnson and Jennifer Jacqu Why are earthquakes so hard to predict - Jean-Baptiste P. Koehl Why is cotton in everything - Michael R. Stiff How do nuclear power plants work - M. V. Ramana and Sajan Saini What causes cavities - Mel Rosenberg What causes bad breath - Mel Rosenberg The sexual deception of orchids - Anne Gaskett How does impeachment work - Alex Gendler Why is NASA sending a spacecraft to a metal world - Linda T. Elkins-Tanton Earworms Those songs that get stuck in your head - Elizabeth Hellmuth Margulis History vs. Cleopatra - Alex Gendler How a single-celled organism almost wiped out life on Earth - Anusuya Willis Why should you read Kurt Vonnegut - Mia Nacamulli Why is Aristophanes called The Father of Comedy - Mark Robinson The otherworldly creatures in the ocean's deepest depths - Lidia Lins The myth of Arachne - Iseult Gillespie Football physics The impossible free kick - Erez Garty The incredible collaboration behind the International Space Station - Tien Nguye The mathematical secrets of Pascal’s triangle - Wajdi Mohamed Ratemi What’s a smartphone made of - Kim Preshoff How Thor got his hammer - Scott A. Mellor How tall can a tree grow - Valentin Hammoudi The threat of invasive species - Jennifer Klos Is there a reproducibility crisis in science - Matt Anticole The power of the placebo effect - Emma Bryce The poet who painted with his words - Geneviève Emy What causes economic bubbles - Prateek Singh Why do we sweat - John Murnan Vultures The acid-puking, plague-busting heroes of the ecosystem - Kenny Coogan Does The Wonderful Wizard of Oz have a hidden message - David B. Parker The secret language of trees - Camille Defrenne and Suzanne Simard Who am I A philosophical inquiry - Amy Adkins The Akune brothers Siblings on opposite sides of war - Wendell Oshiro How does asthma work - Christopher E. Gaw How smudge-proof lipstick was invented Moments of Vision 6 - Jessica Oreck How we think complex cells evolved - Adam Jacobson What is dust made of - Michael Marder The first asteroid ever discovered - Carrie Nugent The tragic myth of Orpheus and Eurydice - Brendan Pelsue The wild world of carnivorous plants - Kenny Coogan What makes tuberculosis (TB) the world's most infectious killer - Melvin Sanicas Why are we so attached to our things - Christian Jarrett How tsunamis work - Alex Gendler How does the stock market work - Oliver Elfenbaum The dark history of IQ tests - Stefan C. Dombrowski How many verb tenses are there in English - Anna Ananichuk Music and math The genius of Beethoven - Natalya St. Clair What yoga does to your body and brain - Krishna Sudhir What's the difference between accuracy and precision - Matt Anticole Why is being scared so fun - Margee Kerr How did clouds get their names - Richard Hamblyn How do US Supreme Court justices get appointed - Peter Paccone How memories form and how we lose them - Catharine Young How to create cleaner coal - Emma Bryce Which voting system is the best - Alex Gendler The scientific origins of the Minotaur - Matt Kaplan The wars that inspired Game of Thrones - Alex Gendler How to spot a counterfeit bill - Tien Nguyen Who's at risk for colon cancer - Amit H. Sachdev and Frank G. Gress Who IS Sherlock Holmes - Neil McCaw The myth of Thor's journey to the land of giants - Scott A. Mellor How does cancer spread through the body - Ivan Seah Yu Jun The secret messages of Viking runestones - Jesse Byock When to use me , myself and I - Emma Bryce What does it mean to be a refugee - Benedetta Berti and Evelien Borgman The past, present and future of the bubonic plague - Sharon N. DeWitte Will there ever be a mile-high skyscraper - Stefan Al How a few scientists transformed the way we think about disease - Tien Nguyen How North America got its shape - Peter J. Haproff Could we actually live on Mars - Mari Foroutan What’s the smallest thing in the universe - Jonathan Butterworth The mysterious life and death of Rasputin - Eden Girma Einstein's brilliant mistake Entangled states - Chad Orzel The philosophy of Stoicism - Massimo Pigliucci Why do animals have such different lifespans - Joao Pedro de Magalhaes History through the eyes of the potato - Leo Bear-McGuinness The rise and fall of the Byzantine Empire - Leonora Neville How to make your writing funnier - Cheri Steinkellner The most successful pirate of all time - Dian Murray How does fracking work - Mia Nacamulli The three different ways mammals give birth - Kate Slabosky Do animals have language - Michele Bishop Why doesn’t anything stick to Teflon - Ashwini Bharathula Could human civilization spread across the whole galaxy - Roey Tzezana How rollercoasters affect your body - Brian D. Avery The exceptional life of Benjamin Banneker - Rose-Margaret Ekeng-Itua How your muscular system works - Emma Bryce How the food you eat affects your gut - Shilpa Ravella The coin flip conundrum - Po-Shen Loh The Romans flooded the Colosseum for sea battles - Janelle Peters Why should you read “The Joy Luck Club” by Amy Tan - Sheila Marie Orfano How do we know what color dinosaurs were - Len Bloch Could a breathalyzer detect cancer - Julian Burschka What does the liver do - Emma Bryce How to make a mummy - Len Bloch How mucus keeps us healthy - Katharina Ribbeck What really happens to the plastic you throw away - Emma Bryce Why Shakespeare loved iambic pentameter - David T. Freeman and Gregory Taylor What causes headaches - Dan Kwartler What is bipolar disorder - Helen M. Farrell Where do math symbols come from - John David Walters What does this symbol actually mean - Adrian Treharne What would happen if you didn’t sleep - Claudia Aguirre How to spot a misleading graph - Lea Gaslowitz What is consciousness - Michael S. A. Graziano The Egyptian Book of the Dead A guidebook for the underworld - Tejal Gala How plants tell time - Dasha Savage The language of lying — Noah Zandan Group theory 101 How to play a Rubik’s Cube like a piano - Michael Staff How bones make blood - Melody Smith How playing an instrument benefits your brain - Anita Collins History vs. Augustus - Peta Greenfield & Alex Gendler What happens when you have a concussion - Clifford Robbins Why do our bodies age - Monica Menesini Is there a disease that makes us love cats - Jaap de Roode The benefits of a good night's sleep - Shai Marcu What did dogs teach humans about diabetes - Duncan C. Ferguson How smart are dolphins - Lori Marino What is a coronavirus - Elizabeth Cox What happens to our bodies after we die - Farnaz Khatibi Jafari The beneficial bacteria that make delicious food - Erez Garty What you might not know about the Declaration of Independence - Kenneth C. Davis History vs. Sigmund Freud - Todd Dufresne What is a butt tuba and why is it in medieval art - Michelle Brown How do solar panels work - Richard Komp The origins of ballet - Jennifer Tortorello and Adrienne Westwood History vs. Richard Nixon - Alex Gendler Why do humans have a third eyelid - Dorsa Amir How does anesthesia work - Steven Zheng How do carbohydrates impact your health - Richard J. Wood Can you solve the wizard standoff riddle - Dan Finkel The immortal cells of Henrietta Lacks - Robin Bulleri This is Sparta Fierce warriors of the ancient world - Craig Zimmer The Irish myth of the Giant's Causeway - Iseult Gillespie What causes an economic recession - Richard Coffin Why sitting is bad for you - Murat Dalkilinç Notes of a native son The world according to James Baldwin - Christina Greer What causes kidney stones - Arash Shadman What is leukemia - Danilo Allegra and Dania Puggioni Would winning the lottery make you happier - Raj Raghunathan The science of static electricity - Anuradha Bhagwat How super glue was invented Moments of Vision 8 - Jessica Oreck History vs. Napoleon Bonaparte - Alex Gendler The mighty mathematics of the lever - Andy Peterson and Zack Patterson How bees help plants have sex - Fernanda S. Valdovinos Did Shakespeare write his plays - Natalya St. Clair and Aaron Williams How the popsicle was invented Moments of Vision 11 - Jessica Oreck How coffee got quicker Moments of Vision 2 - Jessica Oreck How turtle shells evolved... twice - Judy Cebra Thomas What is imposter syndrome and how can you combat it - Elizabeth Cox Inside the minds of animals - Bryan B Rasmussen Did ancient Troy really exist - Einav Zamir Dembin How the Königsberg bridge problem changed mathematics - Dan Van der Vieren The wildly complex anatomy of a sneaker - Angel Chang Why do we love A philosophical inquiry - Skye C. Cleary How miscommunication happens (and how to avoid it) - Katherine Hampsten The Maya myth of the morning star Is radiation dangerous - Matt Anticole What causes insomnia - Dan Kwartler Why don’t poisonous animals poison themselves - Rebecca D. Tarvin Why are human bodies asymmetrical - Leo Q. Wan The 2,400-year search for the atom - Theresa Doud How the stethoscope was invented Moments of Vision 7 - Jessica Oreck How do brain scans work - John Borghi and Elizabeth Waters What causes antibiotic resistance - Kevin Wu Why should you read Flannery O’Connor - Iseult Gillespie What’s the big deal with gluten - William D. Chey How does your smartphone know your location - Wilton L. Virgo The truth about electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) - Helen M. Farrell How X-rays see through your skin - Ge Wang How do vitamins work - Ginnie Trinh Nguyen Why do women have periods How stress affects your body - Sharon Horesh Bergquist History vs. Christopher Columbus - Alex Gendler The law of conservation of mass - Todd Ramsey History vs. Henry VIII - Mark Robinson and Alex Gendler Why are there so many insects - Murry Gans How a wound heals itself - Sarthak Sinha Would you opt for a life with no pain - Hayley Levitt and Bethany Rickwald What happens during a heart attack - Krishna Sudhir The science of attraction - Dawn Maslar How long will human impacts last - David Biello Why are manhole covers round - Marc Chamberland The great conspiracy against Julius Caesar - Kathryn Tempest Claws vs. nails - Matthew Borths Everything you need to know to read “The Canterbury Tales” - Iseult Gillespie How exactly does binary code work - José Américo N L F de Freitas Does stress affect your memory - Elizabeth Cox How do tornadoes form - James Spann How the rubber glove was invented Moments of Vision 4 - Jessica Oreck The princess who rewrote history - Leonora Neville Nature's smallest factory The Calvin cycle - Cathy Symington The Silk Road Connecting the ancient world through trade - Shannon Harris Castel Why do you need to get a flu shot every year - Melvin Sanicas The evolution of the human eye - Joshua Harvey What is epigenetics - Carlos Guerrero-Bosagna How to grow a bone - Nina Tandon Master the art of public speaking with TED Masterclass Why do we feel nostalgia - Clay Routledge How does the thyroid manage your metabolism - Emma Bryce