UP主: 封面: 简介:转自Youtube采用高清片源 自制双语字幕字幕翻译采用EqCN,潮汐字幕组,习成PBU,网络等翻译,或自己翻译。已完结分p顺序:S1 / S2 / S3 / EG1 / S4 / EG2 / S5 / EG3 / S6 / EG...
视频选集 Theme Song 完整版主题曲 小马意大利语OP(PMV) S1 Theme 第一季片头 S1E02 Laughter Song 欢笑之歌 S1E03 Pinkie's Gala Fantasy Song 萍琪的庆典幻想曲 S1E03 The Ticket Song 夺票之歌 S1E07 Hop Skip and Jump Song 纵身一跳 S1E09 Evil Enchantress(Pinkie Pie's Version) 邪恶女巫(萍琪版) S1E09 Evil Enchantress(Flutterguy's Version) 邪恶女巫(小爹版) S1E11 Winter Wrap Up 冬季清扫 S1E12 Cupcake Song 杯糕之歌 S1E14 Art of the Dress 时装艺术 S1E14 Art of the Dress(Reprise) 时装艺术(重奏) S1E17 Hush Now Lullaby(Fluttershy's Version) 万籁俱寂(小蝶版) S1E17 Hush Now Lullaby(Sweetie Belle's Version) 万籁俱寂(甜贝儿版) S1E18 Cutie Mark Crusaders Song 可爱标记童子军之歌 S1E21 You Got to Share, You Got to Care 彼此分享,彼此体谅 S1E23 So Many Wonders 奇妙的世界 S1E25 Pinkie's Singing Telegram 萍琪的歌唱电报 S1E26 At the Gala 最棒的庆典 S1E26 I'm at the Grand Galloping Gala 我来到了盛大狂奔节 S1E26 Pony Pokey 小马变戏法 S2 Theme 第二季片头 S2E07 May the Best Pet Win_胜者为宠 S2E09 Becoming Popular_社交名马 S2E11 The Heart Carol_同心颂 S2E13 Happy Monthiversary_满月快乐 S2E13 Piggy Dance_小猪舞 S2E15 The Flim Flam Brothers Song_奸商兄弟之歌 S2E17 The Perfect Stallion_完美的他 S2E18 Smile Song_微笑之歌 S2E18 You're a Cranky Doodle Donkey_你是狂躁呆驴 S2E18 Welcome Song_欢迎之歌 S2E18 Cranky Doodle Joy_快乐的驴子 S2E25 B.B.B.F.F._好哥哥好朋友 S2E25 B.B.B.F.F. (Reprise)_B.B.B.F.F.-重奏 S2E26 This Day Aria_婚礼咏叹调 S2E26 This Day Aria (Reprise)_婚礼咏叹调-重奏 S2E26 Love is in Bloom_爱花绽放 S3 Theme 第三季片头 S3E01 The Failure Song_艰难的试题 S3E01 Ballad of the Crystal Ponies_水晶小马的民谣 S3E02 The Success Song_成功的试题 S3E04 Babs Seed_小坏丫头 S3E08 Raise This Barn_搭建谷仓 S3E13 Morning in Ponyville_早安小马镇 S3E13 What My Cutie Mark Is Telling Me_错乱的标记 S3E13 I've Got to Find a Way_寻找解决办法 S3E13 A True, True Friend_真心朋友 S3E13 Celestia's Ballad_塞拉斯蒂娅之歌 S3E13 Behold, Princess Twilight Sparkle_致敬,闪闪公主 S3E13 Life in Equestria_美好的生活 EG1 Theme EG1OP EG1 This Strange World 陌生新世界 EG1 Equestria Girls (Cafeteria Song) 小马国女孩(食堂之歌) EG1 Time to Come Together 大家齐心协力 EG1 This is Our Big Night 尽兴的一晚 EG1 This is Our Big Night(Reprise) 尽兴的一晚(重奏) EG1 A Friend for Life 生命中的朋友 S4 Theme 第四季片头 S4E05 Hearts Strong as Horses_心中志气高 S4E05 Hearts Strong as Horses(Reprise)_心中志气高(重奏) S4E07 Bats_蝙蝠 S4E08 Generosity_慷慨之心 S4E08 Generosity(Reprise)_慷慨之心(重奏) S4E09 Apples to the Core_苹果一家人 S4E09 Apples to the Core(Reprise)_苹果一家人(重奏) S4E11 Glass of Water_给我一杯水 S4E12 Pinkie the Party Planner_萍琪派对策划 S4E12 The Super Duper Party Pony_热情奔放派对小马 S4E12 Pinkie's Lament_萍琪的悲伤 S4E12 The Goof Off_搞怪比拼 S4E12 Cheese Confesses_起司的坦白 S4E12 Pinkie the Party Planner(Reprise)_萍琪派对策划-重奏 S4E12 Make a Wish_庆生派对 S4E14 Music in the Treetops_音乐在树梢高悬 S4E14 Find the Music in You(Full Mix)_找寻心中旋律(合集) S4E20 Flim Flam Miracle Curative Tonic_油嘴滑舌的十全大补药 S4E21 Rappin' History of the Wonderbolts_闪电天马的说唱史 S4E24 Cloudsdale's Anthem_云中城之歌 S4E25 You'll Play Your Part_使命终现 S4E26 Let the Rainbow Remind You_就让彩虹告诉你 EG2 Rainbow Rocks 彩虹摇滚 EG2 Better Than Ever 比以往更好 EG2 Battle 乐队之战 EG2 Bad Counter Spell 糟糕的反制魔咒 EG2 Shake Your Tail 马尾摇 EG2 Shake Your Tail-MV 马尾摇MV EG2 Under Our Spell 深陷魔咒 EG2 Awesome As I Wanna Be 酷炫如我 EG2 Awesome As I Wanna Be MV 酷炫如我完整版 EG2 Tricks Up My Sleeve 身藏绝技 EG2 Welcome to the Show & Rainbooms Battle 炫灵VS虹爆 EG2 Shine Like Rainbows 灿烂如虹 EG2 Perfect Day for Fun! 快乐完美的一天 EG2 Friendship Through The Ages 友谊永存 EG2 Life Is A Runway 生活如同走秀 EG2 My Past Is Not Today 今非昔比 Equestria Girls(California Gurls Parody) S5 Theme 第五季片头 S5E01 In Our Town_在镇上 S5E03 Make This Castle A Home_搭温馨的家 S5E03 Make This Castle A Home(Reprise)_搭温馨的家-重奏 S5E04 Applejack's Lullaby_阿杰的安眠曲 S5E05 I'll Fly_我要飞 S5E09 DJ & Octavia's Cello Dubstep_DJ塔维二重奏 S5E14 Rules of Rarity_瑞瑞准则1 S5E14 Rules of Rarity(Reprise 1)_瑞瑞准则2 S5E14 Rules of Rarity(Reprise 2)_瑞瑞准则3 S5E17 Sisterhood_姐妹同心 S5E18 We'll Make Our Mark(Prelude)_探索标记-前奏 S5E18 The Vote_选举 S5E18 The Pony I Want to Be_憧憬的自己 S5E18 Light of Your Cutie Mark_可爱标记闪耀 S5E18 The Pony I Want to Be(Reprise)_憧憬的自己-重奏 S5E18 We'll Make Our Mark_探索标记 S5E24 Equestria, the Land I Love_小马国 爱之所向 S5E24 The Spectacle_浮华绚烂 S5E24 The Magic Inside_内心的魔法 S5E24 Equestria, the Land I Love(Reprise)_小马国 爱之所向(重奏) S5E26 Friends Are Always There For You_朋友永伴身边 EG3 The Friendship Games MV 友谊大赛 EG3 The CHS Rally Song MV 坎特拉动员之歌 EG3 What more is out there 世界辽阔如星海 EG3 Acadeca MV 全能竞赛 EG3 Unleash The Magic MV 释放魔力 EG3 Right There in Front of Me MV 友谊不必寻觅 S6 Theme 第六季片头 S6E04 Out On My Own_只靠自己 S6E08 Hearth's Warming Eve Is Here Once Again_驱寒盛会又到来 S6E08 Say Goodbye to the Holiday_永别啦 驱寒节 S6E08 The Seeds of the Past_往事之种 S6E08 Pinkie's Present_萍琪的礼物 S6E08 Luna's Future_凄凉未来 S6E08 Hearth's Warming Eve Is Here Once Again(Reprise)_驱寒盛会又到来-重奏 S6E11 Can I Do It On My Own_独立完成 S6E12 It's Gonna Work_一定能成 S6E14 Derby Racers_小小司机 S6E16 A Changeling Can Change_幻形灵能改变 S6E19 Find the Purpose in Your Life_找寻生活目的 EG4 Legend Of Everfree 无尽之森传奇 EG4 The Midnight In Me 心底的梦魇 EG4 Embrace The Magic 拥抱魔力 EG4 We Will Stand For Everfree 守护营地 EG4 Legend You Are Meant To Be 书写你的传奇 EG4 Hope Shines Eternal 希望之光永照 My Little Pony Friends_我的小马朋友 EG-MV Dance Magic_热舞魔法 EG-MV Mad Twience_科学怪暮 EG-MV Monday Blues_周一阴郁 EG-MV Shake Things Up_摇上一摇 EG-MV Get the Show on the Road_演出疾驰不息 EG-MV Coinky-Dink World_世界真小 EG-MV Good Vibes_善良共鸣 S7 Theme 第七季片头 S7E02 Best Friends Until the End of Time_朋友不离不弃 S7E08 Battle for Sugar Belle_糖蓓儿之争 S7E13 You're In My Head Like a Catchy Song_你如旋律 深入我心 S7E14 Flawless 无瑕 S7E19 SneeziveSary_喷嚏一周年 S7E21 Blank Flanks Forever_光屁股 到永远 The Movie-1 We Got the Beat_随乐而动 The Movie-2 We Got This Together_共办庆典 The Movie-3 I'm the Friend You Need_你所需的朋友 The Movie-4 Time to Be Awesome_重拾豪爽 The Movie-5 One Small Thing_小小心意 The Movie-6 Open Up Your Eyes 放眼看世界 The Movie-7 Rainbow 雨后彩虹 The Movie-8 Off To See The World 启程去探索世界 EG-S1 Rise Up 冲向顶端 EG-S1 Room To Grow 成长空间 Equestria Girls Theme_小马国女孩主题曲 EG We've Come So Far_友谊经年 EG Invisible_小透明 EG Five To Nine_朝五晚九 EG-S1 So Much More To Me 另外一面 EG Photo Booth_拍下快乐 Happy Birthday to You!_生日快乐歌 圣诞专辑-Days Gone By_往日不再来 圣诞专辑-Deck the Halls_装点大厅 圣诞专辑-It's a Pony Kind of Christmas_小马们的圣诞节 圣诞专辑-Jingle Bells_铃儿响叮当 圣诞专辑-Jolly Ol' St Nick_快乐的圣诞老人 圣诞专辑-Last Year I Got Coal for Christmas_去年圣诞礼物是煤 圣诞专辑-Silent Night_平安夜 圣诞专辑-The Heart Carol_同心颂 圣诞专辑-Twelve Days of Christmas_圣诞十二日 圣诞专辑-We Wish You a Merry Christmas_祝你圣诞快乐 Equestria Girls Forever_永远的小马国女孩 The Fresh Princess of Friendship_友谊公主妙事多 Saved by My Friends_朋友为我保驾护航 S8 Theme 第八季片头 S8E01 The School Of Friendship_友谊学园 S8E02 Friendship Always Wins_友谊永胜 S8E06 Your Heart Is in Two Places_心属两地 S8E17 Friendship U_友谊大学 S8E19 We're Friendship Bound_友谊不松绑 S8E23 A Kirin Tale 麒麟的故事 S8E24 Just Can't Be a Dragon Here_龙族本性会丢掉 特别篇 One More Day_忙碌的一天 特别篇 The True Gift of Gifting_真正的礼物 EG The Other Side_灵感彼岸 EG All Good_一切完美 EG-S2 I'm on a Yacht_游艇逍遥 EG-S2 Run to Break Free_尽情奔跑 EG-S2 Find the Magic_寻觅魔力 EG True Original_独特的你 EG-S2 Let it Rain_任雨狂 EG-S2 Cheer You On_增添力量 S9 Theme 第九季OP S9E03 The Place Where We Belong_邂逅之地 S9E07 Fit Right In_融入舞会 S9E07 Fit Right In (Reprise) _融入舞会-重奏 S9E08 Better Way to Be Bad_坏出新花样 S9E13 Lotta Little Things_多姿多彩的事情 S9E13 Lotta Little Things (Reprise)_多姿多彩的事情-重奏 特别篇-Rainbow Roadtrip_彩虹之旅 特别篇-The End of the Rainbow_彩虹的消亡 特别篇-Living in Color_生活的色彩 Rainbow Roadtrip-ED_彩虹之旅ED S9E14 The Last Laugh_最后一次欢笑 S9E22 Being Big is All It Takes_长大以后啥都对 S9E26 The Magic of Friendship Grows 友谊魔法的成长 Equestria Girls Theme Song(Full Version) 小马国女孩主题曲(完整版) EG Invisible(Full Version) 小透明(完整版) EG All Good(Full Version) 一切完美(完整版) S2E26 Love is in Bloom (Extended) 爱花绽放(完整版) S3E13 I've Got To Find A Way (Extended) 寻找解决办法(完整版) S4E12 Make a Wish (Extended) 许个愿(完整版) S4E26 Let the Rainbow Remind You (Extended) 就让彩虹告诉你(完整版) Ending Song Pony Life_小马日常OP PL We Shine Brighter Together 友谊光芒齐绽放 PL Wild Heart Beats 不羁的心