视频选集 01 - Introducing 3ds Max 2023 02 - Using the exercise files 01 - Choosing a workspace 02 - Setting preferences 03 - Using project folders 01 - Getting familiar with the interface 02 - Customizing a workspace 03 - Customizing background and grid colors 04 - Creating primitives with keyboard entry 05 - Creating primitives interactively with the mouse 06 - Position objects with Select and Move 07 - Rotate and scale objects 08 - Navigating in viewports 09 - Orbit and viewport Undo 10 - Saving time with keyboard shortcut hotkeys 11 - Customizing hotkeys 12 - Choosing viewport shading modes 13 - Advanced viewport settings 14 - Configuring viewport layouts 01 - Specifying display units 02 - Specifying system units 03 - Defining the Home grid 04 - Saving a maxstart.max template scene 05 - Merging scenes 06 - Duplicating objects in a pattern with Array 07 - Duplicating objects with Clone 08 - Introducing Snap 09 - Precision transforms with Grid Snap 10 - Outlining object names with Scene Explorer 11 - Collecting objects in Groups 12 - Managing Display Layers in the Layer Explorer 13 - Controlling object and layer Display Properties 14 - Understanding Xref external references 15 - Creating an Xref record 16 - Moving objects in Reference Coordinate Systems 17 - Rotating objects in Reference Coordinate Systems 18 - Manipulating objects around a Transform Center 19 - Using Isolate Selection and Lock Selection 20 - Selecting in window and crossing modes 01 - Creating shapes 02 - Editing Bezier splines 03 - Setting shape detail with Interpolation 04 - Modeling with the Extrude modifier 05 - Extruding along a path with the Sweep modifier 06 - Importing Illustrator paths to 3ds Max 07 - Adding a Bevel modifier 08 - Controlling level of detail for a Bevel modifier 09 - Modeling typography with TextPlus 10 - Manipulating and fine-tuning TextPlus 01 - Deforming an object with a modifier 02 - Layering deformers in the modifier stack 03 - Defining polygon level of detail 04 - Passing a selection up the stack 05 - Understanding topology dependence 06 - Versioning and collapsing the stack 01 - Preparing Boolean operands 02 - Combine volumes with Boolean compound object 03 - Adding edges with Quickslice 04 - Adding edges with Cut 05 - Hardening polygon edges with the Smooth modifier 06 - Using the Modeling Ribbon 07 - Simplifying geometry with Remove 08 - Branching with Editable Poly Extrude 09 - Detailing a mesh 10 - Rounding corners with Chamfer 01 - Understanding subdivision surfaces 02 - Best practices for modeling subdivision surfaces 03 - Box modeling for subdivision surfaces 04 - Modeling with the Symmetry modifier 05 - Modeling curvature with Soft Selection 06 - Refining geometry with SwiftLoop 07 - Constraining sub-object transforms 08 - Correcting a seam with Align to View 09 - Sharpening corners with Edge Crease 10 - Baking subdivisions 01 - Creating a Physical Camera and Target 02 - First-person camera navigation in viewports 03 - Enabling Safe Frames 04 - Setting resolution and aspect ratio in render setup 05 - Creating a free camera 06 - Rotating in Gimbal coordinate space 07 - Setting rotation Axis Order to emulate a tripod 01 - Interactive production rendering 02 - Creating photometric lights 03 - Adjusting light intensity and color 04 - Setting exposure control 05 - Adjusting light shape 06 - Controlling spotlight parameters 07 - Using the Light Explorer 08 - Illuminating with an environment color 09 - Illuminating with an HDRI environment 10 - Separating environment from background 11 - Creating a sun and sky 12 - Art directing a sun and sky